Publication Schedule

Publication Schedule

Construction News Current start issue - September 2024


July 2024 Published 27th June 2024

August 2024 Published 25th July 2024

September 2024 Published 29th August 2024

October 2024 Published 26th September 2024

November 2024 Published 24th October 2024

December 2024 Published 28th November 2024

January 2025 Published 19th December 2024

February 2025 Published 24th January 2025

March 2025 Published 28th February 2025

April 2025 Published 28th March 2025

May 2025 Published 2nd May 2025

June 2025 Published 30th May 2025

July 2025 Published 11th July 2025

August 2025 Published 8th August 2025

September 2025 Published 5th September 2025


*Please note that publication dates are subject to change